Sapphire Dayclub Featured in Forbes Magazine

By | August 6, 2018

We were featured on! The article explains the possible rise in reconstructive surgery due to the popularity of photo-based social media apps, such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.

“Our society has become way too obsessed with appearance and arbitrarily chosen standards for appearance. If you are like many others, you may be choosing whom you work with, whom you befriend, whom you date, and even whom you listen to based simply on superficial appearance. But unless you are a face mask manufacturer, chances are you are placing way too much emphasis on the wrong things.

Instead, try to focus on and develop real talents, abilities, and skills. To my knowledge, Snapchat and Instagram still don’t have filters that can add thinking ability, insight, compassion, and personality to people. As a general rule, if you can easily change something on Snapchat or Instagram, it probably wasn’t worth that much in the first place.”

Read the entire article here:

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